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News 07Penetration testing, commonly known as a pen test, goes beyond assessing the vulnerabilities in your security. It is usually used by attackers to exploit the vulnerabilities with a view to gain unauthorised access or for other malicious activities.

This process can be manual or automated and is used to:

  • Gather information about the target such as the number of entry points
  • Attempt break-ins (virtually or physically)

Your business can put this very process to good use. You can use this testing method to your firm’s security policy compliance, test your employees’ security awareness as well as to identify potential security threats so you can respond appropriately.

Identify and Resolve Security Issues

Whether it is a flaw in your online security, your physical security setup, or the routines of your staff, Pen Testing can find and manipulate those vulnerabilities. However, you can only fix what you can identify. So the reports generated from this test will help you to improve your online security.

Holistic Management of Your Security System

Penetration testing works with all components of your security – physical, online or any other. It can even aid in categorising the vulnerabilities into false, significant and critical. This way, not only can you detect which areas in your security need improvement, you can even assign the resources efficiently.

Visualise and Comprehend the Real World Risk

Penetration test shows you and your team how real those threats are and what it can do to your business. By visualising what a potential attacker can do in reality, you can enhance your security measures and take measures to ensure your employees take security more seriously.

Stay Disruption Free

A security breach can prove expensive for your business. You may end up spending a lot of money to recover from the problem. Moreover, any breach will disrupt the operation of your business. So penetration testing is essentially a business continuity audit that ensures that your business operations are never disrupted.

In Conclusion

The only caveat with penetration testing is that it calls for expensive software, and the investment outlay is quite prohibitive. As a result, not all IT support organisations are able to provide penetration testing. Moreover, they may lack the knowledge and the expertise to utilise the software and provide the relevant reports.

Midas Solutions has access to the official software for penetration testing, and are able to provide useful reports about the vulnerabilities in your online security. Get in touch with us today for a quote.